Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, June 22
Johnson Township Recreation and Fire Department presents the FOURTH annual Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, Saturday, June 22, 2019
Johnson Township Recreation and Fire Department presents the FOURTH annual Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, Saturday, June 22, 2019
North Shore Summer Swim Program 2018 is open for registration.
Johnson Township Recreation presents its annual Breakfast Buffet, Saturday, June 01, 2019, 9am to noon.
Johnson Township Recreation Committee presents a Winter Activity Festival, Sunday, February 10, 1 to 5 PM
Zumba – 6 week program on Wednesdays starting January 09 at the JTCC Hall, Desbarats
Johnson Township Recreation and Desbarats Women’s Institute presents a Children’s Christmas Party and Free Skate, Sunday, December 09, 2018 at 1pm at the Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats.
Public Skating Holiday Schedule 2018 at the JTCC Arena, Desbarats
Johnson Township Adult Recreational Hockey League, 2018-19 season schedule.
Johnson Township Children’s Recreational Program is up and running and still taking registrations.
Johnson Township Recreation presents a 10-week Zumba fitness program at the Johnson Township Community Centre Hall, Desbarats, starting Thursday, September 27, 7pm.
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