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Schedule A to By-Law 2021-988

What is a strategic plan?

A strategic plan is a document that establishes the direction of an organization. It can be a single page or fill up a binder, depending on the size and complexity of the business and work.

All municipalities can benefit from having a strategic plan. The process of developing a plan helps the Municipal Council and the staff step back and examine where they are, where they want to go, and how they are most likely to get there. In the absence of a plan, work still gets done on a day-to-day basis but often lacks a sense of purpose, direction and priority.

Additionally, having a strategic plan provides information to the residents of what the needs of the municipality are and allows for input and awareness of what the future holds and timelines of when plans or growth may happen as well as what is required to reach those goals.

Guiding principles and values

  • Fiscally responsible – choices for both the rural area and our hamlet.
  • Open and transparent – receiving and respecting input from all sources
  • Accountability – balancing needs and affordability and being accountable for decisions
  • Respect – appreciate differences, communicate openly, embrace change
  • Responsible – plan for the greater good, continuous improvement, preserve integrity

Benefit of having a plan

  • To focus Councils and staff on identifying the short-term and long-term needs for the municipality, as well as demonstrating to residents the real obstacles that must be overcome.
  • To offer an opportunity to receive input from residents with the end goal of a vibrant community and exceptional quality of life.
  • By answering the questions that guide this plan, Council will be able to budget for future short-term and long-term projects, stay focused on a goal, and show clear growth and care for the municipality.
  • By following this plan we will ensure municipal assets are well maintained and well managed.
  • To allow staff to be prepared to access infrastructure funding and efficiently managed the municipality.

How does the plan work?

In order to keep the plan simple and easily understood we first develop a list of items that we would like to see, want to have, need to have, have to have. Consider it the Municipal Wish List.

Once those items or goals are added to a list in no particular order, Council and staff will run a test on each item in order to rank them on the list by importance as well as by the year when it may be financially possible to acquire those items or achieve those goals.

Some things may be of greater importance but due to cost or preparation they may require more time to be able to actually accomplish them. For example, getting sidewalks throughout the Hamlet or replacing all one lane bridges are great ideas but it will take time to establish reserves or find funding for these projects, so those become long-range plans. The important thing being they are acknowledged as ‘long-term’ plans.

Other items may be of less urgency but still necessary and more affordable and able to be completed sooner. Items such as developing a map and GPS locating the shut-off valves for water is important in the event of a line breakage. It isn’t costly and would rank sooner than the more important issue of replacing one lane bridges.

Items will not be ranked by importance but by likelihood of being able to achieve them. An important item may require several years of budgeting into a reserve before being affordable. An item of lesser importance but still desired may be affordable sooner.

It will be the obligation of Councils and staff to annually revisit this plan and update it by adding new items to the list, removing items that have been completed and changing the ranking of items.

Ranking items

Items will be evaluated and placed on a list to be reviewed annually. The list will be by year when the project is considered to be needed, or when it is anticipated the project can be financed.

Council will guide their decisions by answering yes or no to each of the following questions and to have the item considered in the next budgeting process.

Step 1

  • Do we want this?
  • Do we need this?
  • Can we afford this?
  • Are we able to finance this?
  • Is this a priority or urgent need?
  • Is this consistent with our asset plan?

Step 2

If Council answers no to any of the questions in Step 1, the item will not be considered in the next budgeting process and Council will continue to answer the following questions.

  • Do we need to establish a reserve?
  • Do we revisit this and if so in how many years?
  • Do we remove it from the wishlist?

Actions, measures and targets may change as we work towards our vision. Through regular monitoring, reporting and engaging residents we may modify our efforts to ensure we progress towards our goals.

Submit your ideas!

Visit the Submit an idea tab above to view current suggestions and add your own.

Submit your suggestions

The Strategic Plan is a living document to help guide Councils in short and long term planning. To best achieve the goals of the Township and its residents there needs to be a commitment to those short and long term plans.  Too often really good ideas are brought forward but at that moment in time they cannot be realized for any number of reasons. What we hope to do with this unique Strategic Plan is to record those great ideas. By placing them in the plan we won’t lose track of them.

If you have a suggestion of something you would like to see the Township do, or acquire please let us know so we can add it to the Strategic Plan. All suggestions will appear on the list below once submitted (your email will not appear).

Strategic Plan Suggestions


How to finance this idea
Reserves are like a savings account we set up and add to as we can until we have what we need for that specific project.
Completion timeline

Schedule ‘A’ to

By-Law 2021-988



A strategic plan is a document that establishes the direction of an organization. It can be a single page or fill up a binder, depending on the size and complexity of the business and work.

All Municipalities can benefit from having a strategic plan. The process of developing a plan helps the Municipal Council and the Staff step back and examine where they are, where they want to go, and how they are most likely to get there. In the absence of a plan, work still gets done on a day-to-day basis but often lacks a sense of purpose, direction and priority.

Additionally, having a Strategic Plan provides information to the residents of what the needs of the Municipality are and allows for input and awareness of what the future holds and timelines of when plans or growth may happen as well as what is required to reach those goals.


Fiscally responsible – choices for both the rural area and our Hamlet.

Open and Transparent – receiving and respecting input from all sources

Accountability – balancing needs and affordability and being accountable for decisions

Respect – appreciate differences, communicate openly, embrace change

Responsible – plan for the greater good, continuous improvement, preserve integrity


Having a plan will focus Councils and Staff on identifying the needs short term and long term for the Municipality as well as demonstrating to residents the real obstacles that must be overcome.

An opportunity to receive input from residents with the end goal of a vibrant community and exceptional quality of life.

By answering the questions that guide this plan Councils will be able to budget for the future short term and long-term projects, stay focused on a goal and show clear growth and care for the Municipality.

Following this plan will ensure municipal assets are well maintained and well managed. Allow staff to be prepared to access infrastructure funding and efficiently managed the municipality.


In order to keep the plan simple and easily understood we first develop a list of items that we would like to see, want to have, need to have, have to have. Consider it the Municipal Wish List.

Once those items or goals are added to a list in no particular order Council and staff will run a test on each item in order to rank them on the list by importance but also by year when it may be financially possible to acquire those items or achieve those goals.

Some things may be of greater importance but do to cost or preparation they may require more time to be able to actually accomplish them. For example, getting sidewalks through-out the Hamlet is a great idea, or replacing all one lane bridges, but it will take time to establish a reserve or find funding, so those become a long-range plan. The important thing being they are acknowledged as ‘long-term’ plans.

Other items may be of less urgency, but still necessary and more affordable, able to be completed sooner. Items such as mapping all the shut off valves for water is important in the event of a line breakage and developing a map and GPS locating all valves isn’t costly and would rank sooner because we can do it, than the more important issue of replacing one lane bridges.

Items will not be ranked by importance but by likely-hood of being able to achieve them. An important item may require several years of budgeting into a reserve before being affordable. An item of lesser importance but still desired may be affordable sooner.

It will be the obligation of Council and Staff to annually revisit this Plan and update it by adding new items to the list, removing items that have been completed and changing the ranking of items.


Items will be evaluated and placed on a list to be reviewed annually. The list will be by year when the project is considered to be needed, or when it is anticipated the project can be financed.


Council will use the following questions to guide them in their decisions.

You must answer Yes to each question to have the item considered in the next budgeting process.


  1. DO WE WANT THIS?                                                 YES _____  NO _____
  2. DO WE NEED THIS?                                                 YES _____  NO _____
  3. CAN WE AFFORD THIS?             YES _____  NO _____
  4. ARE WE ABLE TO FINANCE THIS ?             YES _____  NO _____

If you answer No to any of the above questions then the item is not considered in the next budgeting process and you continue to answer the following questions. 


  2. DO WE REVISIT THIS IN _____ YEARS?   YES _____  NO _____

Actions, measures and targets may change as we work towards our vision. Through regular monitoring, reporting and engaging residents we may modify our efforts to ensure we progress towards our goals.


RESIDENTS ARE ASKED – To forward items to the office to be added to the list.

ANNUALLY – A To be looked at each year.

SHORT TERM GOALS – ST Work toward achieving in the next 1-3 years if possible

MID TERM GOALS – MT Work toward achieving in the next 4-7 years if possible

LONG TERM GOALS – LT Work toward achieving in the next 8-10 years if possible



A – Review of Fully Funded Reserves –

  • Annual review of reserves to meet short- and long-term plans

*A – Roads ditching plan – (annual budget)

  • This will be a new plan starting in 2021, low cost in 2021, mostly information gathering
  • Will be a living document that changes as work is complete and situations arise.
  • Will show year by year in blocks of at least three to five years what work is planned and what roads will be worked on
  • Plan will be posted so residents can see when to expect work on their road
  • Ditching plan will include brushing
  • This plan is part of the prep work for the Roads Plan

*A – Roads maintenance and improvement plan – (annual budget)

  • This will be a new plan starting in 2021, low cost in 2021, mostly information gathering
  • Will be a living document that changes as work is complete and situations arise.
  • Will show year by year in blocks of at least three to five years what work is planned and what roads will be worked on
  • Plan will be posted so residents can see when to expect work on their road
  • This plan is directly related to the Ditching and Brushing Plan to prepare roads for hard surfacing

*A – Meet Accessibility in community – Legislated (annually reviewed)

  • Continuously work toward a fully accessible Township
  • Minimum effort would be to establish a reserve to meet ongoing requirements moving forward
  • Encourage seniors and disabled persons full participation in the community
  • Support participation in the community of Seniors and disabled in dealing with isolation and mental health
  • Efforts to encourage Seniors to remain active and living in community

STCemeteries- (budget)

Construct Gazebos at both Cemeteries for protection from elements

– Place a Privy at each Cemetery site COMPLETED 2022

*ST – Sidewalks- (budget/Hamlet reserve)

        Install ramped access to the sidewalks in the Hamlet as part of our obligation for Accessibility COMPLETED 2022

*ST – Arena and Community Centre

– Upgrades and improvements to the Arena to extend the useful life and meet code and accessibility changes. 50% COMPLETED IN 2022

*ST – Construct a sand shed – (Grant applied for, cost shared with Tarbutt, budget balance)

  • Cost of sand and availability is a concern. Joint service should also be considered. Climate change and weather pattern changes contribute to the increased demand for sand.
  • Tarbutt Township supports sharing cost DECLINED 2021
  • Funding applied for in 2021NO FUNDING FOUND
  • Purchase additional property for Public Works (storage, sand shed, etc..) COMPLETED 2022

*ST – Expand, rebuild doc system at Hwy 17 – (funding received waiting for water levels to drop)

  • Address functionality of dock system.
  • Actual repairs may depend on water levels
  • Funding has been received and held due to high water levels COMPLETED IN 2021/2022

ST – Establish a Reserve for Natural Playground and Walking Path, Senior and Accessibility friendly (reserve)

  • Project has been started and blueprints and design prepared.
  • Reserve established to fully fund project and to track funds donated specifically for this purpose COMPLETED

*ST – Renovation / addition to office & retrofit garage (Grant received, funding received, reserve exists, zero taxation)

  • 100k COVID funding is available for Municipal Building and Renovation and has been applied for
  • Benefits – Improve current services and assist in meeting fully accessibility requirements for seniors and disabled and to assist in staying open during pandemic
  • Additional NOHFC funding has been applied for

*ST – Purchase of excavator for ditching – (equipment reserve, no additional taxation)

  • High priority first step in initiating long range Ditching and Roads Plans
  • Township has about 110 miles of ditches and 100s of culverts
  • More work will be done inhouse and less tendering for considerable cost savings COMPLETED

ST – Map all municipal properties – (budgeted, low costs)

  • Place for sale any municipal owned properties with potential for development COMPLETED, ON GOING
  • Beneficial in development and planning, growth in assessment

ST – Map all cross pipes in township – (budget inhouse staff, low costs)  

  • Minimal cost
  • Will assist in developing Ditching Plan
  • Will assist in developing Roads Plan
  • Will assist in locating culverts to thaw and when snow ditching is required
  • Part of our Asset Management Plan

ST – Map location of all shut off valves for water – (budget inhouse staff, low costs) 

  • Will allow for quick shut off in the event of a line breaking
  • Allow set up for a maintenance program and replacement of valves
  • Minimal cost
  • Allows valves to be closed and opened annually to prevent ceasing in place

  *ST – Fence Lagoons and build a roadway out to them – (budget inhouse staff, low costs) 

  • Establish a reserve fund for Lagoon Maintenance COMPLETED
  • Get approval for work from MOE COMPLETED
  • Use ditching material with approval to improve road out to lagoons
  • Create our own drying beds at landfill for disposal of sludge COMPLETED *DIFFERENT METHOD USED
  • Lagoons are currently at capacity, impacts growth potential in Hamlet COMPLETED REHABILITATION

NOHFC funding has been applied for COMPLETED

  • Upgrade the fencing and gate for better access to Lagoons

*STLagoons – (budget inhouse staff, low costs, watch for Grants) 

-Develop ‘drying beds’ at the Joint Landfill site COMPLETED *DIFFERENT METHOD USED

– Drying beds will eliminate the tipping fees and travel to other area Landfills to get rid of sludge from lagoons


MT – Replace or refurbish Diamond Lake dock –  (Establish a Reserve)

  • Address functionality of dock system. PLAN DEVELOPED IN 2022, DEPENDANT ON FUNDING
  • Actual repairs may depend on water levels.

 MT – Revise Zoning by law upon completion of current Official Plan review –  (Establish a Reserve)

  • Legislative requirement to complete a review of Zoning by law at the completion of a Official Plan review.
  • Official Plan is currently being re written as a joint plan with the members of the Planning Board OP EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN 2022. ZONING BY-LAW REVIEW TO FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY

MT – Develop reserve fund for Retrofit on exterior of the Arena –  (Establish a Reserve)

  • Establish a reserve and watch for funding opportunities COMPLETED
  • Maintenance of the asset and supports growth and assessment EXTENSIVE WORK COMPLETED IN 2022

*MT – Replace all one lane bridges – (Establish a Reserve)

  • Reserve to be established COMPLETED
  • Staff to monitor for any funding opportunities
  • Bridge inspections to be monitored INSPECTIONS COMPLETED EVERY TWO YEARS 2022 …
  • Fischer Road Bridge high priority COMPLETED
  • Re establish the Cora Road Bridge access ENGINEERING IN 2022

MT – Resurfacing Huron Street (pavement) – (Establish a Reserve)

  • Shaving and resurfacing Huron Street COMPLETED 2022
  • Necessary to reset storm drain culverts and maintain asset COMPLETED IN 2022
  • Supports growth and assessment in the Hamlet to make is self-sufficient COMPLETED IN 2022
  • Build reserves for this project ONGOING ESTABLISHED IN 2021

MT – Acquire land from MNR for parking access for water access lots – (Establish a Reserve)

– Begin process with MNR

            – Establish a reserve for cost of development

            – Permit in the Official Plan revision

LT – Install storm sewers in ditches in Hamlet and cover with sidewalks throughout – (Establish a Reserve)

  • Reserve to be established
  • Consideration of this project when resurfacing of any street is considered, or major repair to infrastructure
  • Infrastructure funding applications
  • Stage project, engineering to be completed separately in advance

 LT – Develop a Reserve for Sidewalks – (Establish a Reserve)

  • Eventually construct sidewalks through-out Hamlet
  • Repairs for existing sidewalks COMPLETED 2022

LT – Develop an industrial area for the municipality – (Establish a Reserve)

  • Reserve to be established
  • Monitoring of possible opportunities or sites

Current suggestions

No. From Suggestion Reason Finance source Timeline Status
Your Name This is only an example of a suggestion. Solar panels on arena For example: Offset power costs to arena Grants, Create a reserve MT* Yes
William I would like to see a gazebo at each cemetery Would be used for elderly or handicap to sit during a service and to be out of the weather, would allow for small intimate gathering regardless of weather Taxes, Grants, Create a reserve
DELBERT Parker A system of Recreational Trails for hiking, biking and off road vehicles to meet an ever increasing demand in the Township with respect to the following considerations: NEED – There is a huge demand for this type of outdoor recreation by a wide range of individuals, families, nature groups, schools etc. These people come from the Algoma Region and well beyond to enjoy the outdoor experience “available” to them in Johnson Township. • POLICY – Currently there is no organization, regulation or control of these activities in the Township, (that I am aware of) and this causes unnecessary conflict especially where private property is impacted. The Strategic Plan could create and implement land use policies for these activities to reduce/eliminate conflict between the public and private interests in land use. The recently passed By-Law (2021-989) defines where Off-Road Vehicles (ORV) can operate and where they are prohibited with respect to Municipal Property. There needs to be a similar policy statement from the Township in support of private land owners that prohibits ORV operation on private property (other than the owner) or private access roads. • MAKE IT LEGAL – Provide signage to indicate and educate where trail usage is legal and illegal as supported by provincial legislation. • INVASIVE SPECIES AND FIRE Prevention – Provide trail signage to indicate and educate about the potential for spread of invasive species and fire prevention precautions as supported by provincial legislation. Grants ST

A = Annually. To be looked at each year.
ST = Short term. Work toward achieving in the next 1-3 years.
MT = Medium term. Work toward achieving in the next 4-7 years.
LT = Long term. Work toward achieving in the next 8-10 years.
* = Urgent!