Everything Country Fur and Feather Sale, JTCC, Saturday, May 4
The Everything Country Fur and Feather Sale will occur a the Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats, on Satruday, May 4, 9am to 2pm.
The Everything Country Fur and Feather Sale will occur a the Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats, on Satruday, May 4, 9am to 2pm.
Johnson Township Recreation is pleased to announce that it is partnering with St. Joseph Island Anglers and Hunters to present their Second Annual Gun and Outdoors Show at the Johnson Township Community Centre in Desbarats on Sunday, May 5, from 9am to 4pm.
Fee information and downloadable registration form for Slo-Pitch and Soccer programs. Registrations Due Monday, April 8!
Township of Johnson March 2019 Newsletter – Township news and notices, council notes, Mayor’s column, recreation events and programs, Fire Department news and tips, local and regional events.
Free Public Skating at the Johnson Township Community Centre Arena, Desbarats
Johnson Twp/Cu-Jo Memorial Family Hockey Tournament, March 22, 23, Johnson Township Community Center Arena, Desbarats – Now open for team registration.
Johnson Township Recreation Committee presents a Winter Activity Festival, Sunday, February 10, 1 to 5 PM
The Township of Johnson is welcoming applications for the position of Municipal Clerk.
Township of Johnson January 2019 Newsletter – Township news and notices, council notes, Mayor’s column, recreation events and programs, Fire Department news and tips, local and regional events.
The Township of Johnson requires the services of a Part-Time Administrative Assistant
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