Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, June 23
Johnson Township Recreation and Fire Department presents the FOURTH annual Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, Saturday, June 23, 2018
Johnson Township Recreation and Fire Department presents the FOURTH annual Reg McHale Memorial Big Pike Family Fishing Derby, Saturday, June 23, 2018
Click on the picture to download the Township of Johnson Newsletter for June 2018. This month’s issue features information about successful past Recreation events, upcoming Recreation programs and events. Also included are featured items from the Council Chambers, information on upcoming local events, upcoming Road Closures, Public Works and Fire Department news and more!
Johnson Township presents its annual Breakfast Buffet, Saturday, June 02, 2018, 9am to noon.
Click on the picture to download the Township of Johnson Newsletter for April May 2018. This month’s issue features information about successful past Recreation events, upcoming Recreation programs and events. Also included are featured items from the Council Chambers, information on upcoming local events, Municipal Election info, Public Works and Fire Department news and more!
Zumba is back in Desbarats! Come&Try session and registration for 8 week session, Wednesday, April 11, 7PM.
Schedule for the Johnson Township/CU_JO Memorial Family Hockey Tournament 2018,
Johnson Township Recreation and Healthy Kids Community Challenge North Channel present a family wellness night at the Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats, on Thursday, April 5 from 6pm to 8pm.
Johnson Twp/Cu-Jo Memorial Family Hockey Tournament, March 23, 24, Johnson Township Community Center Arena, Desbarats – Now open for team registration.
Youth Algoma Poultry Association is looking for vendors for their “Everything Country – Feather and Fur sale” event, co-sponsored by Johnson Township Recreation, to be held on Saturday, May 5, 9am to 2PM at the Johnson Township Community Centre.
Johnson Township Winter Activity Festival, Sunday February 11, 1pm to 5pm, Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats.
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